DEVOLVED Drummer To Play On KIN Album

February 1, 2005

DEVOLVED drummer John Sankey is currently in the studio recording all drum tracks for Perth-based metal band KIN's forthcoming studio album. KIN are well known as Western Australia's premier metal group and have been the main support act on recent DEVOLVED tours to Perth. The release will be the band's first full-length CD. More information can be found at this location.

DEVOLVED are currently preparing and recording material for the limited edition "Automation 002" EP, which is to be released exclusively in Australia. The band are currently in the process of relocating permanently to the USA and will be releasing a remixed/remastered version of their latest album, "Calculated", worldwide.

The follow-up to 2002's "Technologies", "Calculated" contains 12 tracks, including a cover of the METALLICA classic "Battery", and is being described by the band as "a step beyond anything we have written in the past in both intensity and complexity!"

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